The West Bengal Power Development Corpn. Ltd.

(Govt. Registered & Recognised By WBPDCL)

Letter to CMD regarding 3rd CPS for Class-I Engineers


The Chairman & Managing Director,

The West Bengal Power Development Corpn. Ltd.,

Bidyut Unnayan Bhaban, Plot No.3/C,

LA Block, Sector-III, Salt Lake City,

Kolkata – 700098.

Sub: 3rd CPS for Class-I Engineers.

Ref : Office Order No. 717/2014 Dated 08/12/14 of ED(HR)


With reference to the office order mentioned above , we are hereby requesting you for providing us 3rd CPS i.e. up to the post of DGM(Engg.)/ DGM(CIVIL) with Grade Pay of Rs.8700/- per month on completion of 25 years of service(including one year training period). As Engineers are now getting only Two (02) nos of promotion under CPS whereas others are getting more than two (02) nos of promotion under CPS , so we are demanding for 3 rd CPS likewise the above order.

Awaiting for your kind consideration.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


General Secretary,

Engineers’ Welfare Forum, WBPDCL

Mobile: 8336904046, Fax: 03222-256267

Enclo: A copy of office order No:717/2014, Dt:08/12/2014 of ED(HR)