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Dr S.Bhattacharyya

Dr S.Bhattacharyya V. C., BITS Pilani

Souvik Bhattacharyya graduated from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India with a Bachelor’s degree (1981), MS (1985) from University of Cincinnati, USA and PhD from Texas A&M University (1991), USA in Mechanical Engineering specializing in thermal sciences. After a post-doctoral research stint of about 10 months at Teaxs A&M University, he joined the faculty of IIT Kharagpur, India in 1991 where he was the Dean (Students’ Affairs) during 2009-2012 and has been a Professor of Mechanical Engineering since 2003.

He also held faculty position at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand during 1998-2000. Currently he is the Vice-Chancellor of Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Dr Bhattacharyya serves on the Editorial Boards of Energy Conversion and Management, International Journal of Power and Energy Systems and Journal of Nano Energy and Power Research. He is an Associate Editor of the international journal Alternative Energy. His research interests include heat transfer enhancement, thermodynamic optimization, energy engineering, natural refrigerant based transcritical heating cooling systems, and natural circulation loops. A recipient of the ASHRAE Best Paper Award, Dr Bhattacharyya has published90 refereed and reputedinternational journal papers and 89 papers in international conference proceedings,besides contributing several articles in edited books. He is now a co-author of the celebrated Heat Transfer text by JP Holman, a McGraw Hill publication. He has been an invited keynote speaker and panelist in several international conferences and workshops. He is a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering and has been principal investigator for a large number of sponsored research projects. He has been an expert member of the DST Fast Track Young Engineer Research Project Committee during 2007-2012.