The West Bengal Power Development Corpn. Ltd.

(Govt. Registered & Recognised By WBPDCL)


The aim and objects for which the Society is established are:

  1. For the betterment of Power Scenario of West Bengal and in turn of WBPDCL.
  2. To participate in the formulation of effective organization’s policy for making profit in the ensuing deregulated power industry business.
  3. To help maintain transparency in every field and equal rule for everyone.
  4. To organize effective Technical Seminar by different professional experts to keep in touch with global technological advancement.
  5. Launching of technical website for sharing our knowledge. Publishing technical journals etc.
  6. To provide free of cost technical training by the professional experts.
  7. To look into the welfare of the engineers.
  8. To have affiliation with any other professional body/ organizations/ associations that work for the development of power scenario of our country.